Why is the text orange?
My great-grandfather and the medal that saved his life
What causes this around moon? Is that a coriolis effect or what
Kdo je tip ki bere na trgu?
[4,545 × 3,533]French battleship Jean Bart at Toulon, 1960-62.
How much did I F*** up
What are those yellow bubbles in freshly butchered chicken?
I just cannot get over how lame it is that Tom Riddle came up with his own nickname.
Ukrajinska sabljačica diskvalificirana, ker se ni želela rokovati z Rusinjo
Seznam zainteresiranih uporabnikov za sodelovanje subredditu (v primeru, da gremo privat). Pofočkajte se.
jos samo 2 dana s kunom 😭
Za koga se spremaju +384 i +388?
Drinking from a can without first washing it is gross
Povejte kšno dogodivščino iz srednje šole/gimnazije k vm je ostala v spominu
I thought this was just a fun little game where you do chores around the village
Se počutite varno sami na nočnem sprehodu po vašem domačem kraju?
Unpopular(?) Opinion: Showbiz is the best album
Fellow Freedomers, why did you pick Freedom as your faction?
Slovenija Ukrajini tanke, Nemčija Sloveniji oklepnike?
how high do you think lrc will be by end of the year?
Pogovarjajte se o plačah
Najslabši vozniki v državi?
Dečki Reddita (in ostali, ki vas privlačijo dekleta), kaj od naštetega vas je najbolj pomembno na ženskah?
Why is it okay we're conditioned for non-ownership?