Opinions on Shakespeares portrayal?
Legend, King who orders someone to be killed, then his assassins, then the new ones, and so on
DAE think wtf is up with the world rn everyone hates everyone
This is how Lady Jane Grey parents are related
Which portrayal of the rein of Henry the 8th and his six wife’s the most accurate
Jimmy savile was once a popular tv and radio personality tht was a beloved figure in the uk however after his death it emerged tht he sexually abused hundreds of ppl for many decades and he was able to get away with it thru his fame
Powerful non-Tudors
Titulus Regius
Which British monarchs were incredibly unhealthy?
In 1195, King Richard I sent messengers to the Pope comparing Duke Leopold of Austria and his liege lord Emperor Henry unfavourably to Saladin, who he claimed had more honour. The Pope excommunicated Leopold and cancelled all remaining ransom money owed.
de Montfort calls a parliament
de Montfort calls a Parliament
Taco Bell Dipping Tacos
Which great historical figure had the most undignified end, though he/she deserved a far more poignant death?
Most impressive English-built castles
Lunch w my girlfriend
Henry V captures Rouen
Why did Catherine of Aragon not return to Spain after Arthur had died?
Henry VI in Exile.
Attitude towards Richard politically