Normalize 👏 wearing 👏 vintage 👏 cloaks 👏
I should pick up smoking just for this outfit.
An early 1900s hunting suit for an early 2000s gatherer
Please help! I got a Sony CCD-V8AF and I can’t tell if it’s functioning properly.
Vintage dying success!
I present to you: my Vietnam-era surplus flight suit
Cosplaying an adjunct professor
The ideal aesthetic is “modern wizard”
The all-black helps ya boy pretend I’m cooler than I actually am.
We’re at the tail-end of crop top season
The best part of Renn Faire is assembling the outfit.
I’ve been practicing my subtle JoJo poses
Is the matching black collar underneath too much?♟️
The world needs more floral patterns
going out for dinner
Wanted an excuse to use that cost for awhile, any ways to improve the outfit?
I look like a teenager’s fanfic grim reaper
I'm not a woman or even particularly feminine generally, but I like wearing dresses/skirts and wish people wouldn't find me weird because of it
whimsigoth outfit 🕸
It’s been a new experience, but I’ve been embracing dresses and skirts this summer! You can pry my Vans and Converse out of my cold dead hands 🙈
Hi Barbie
I’m begging you to ignore the wrinkles.
Overall it’s a good outfit for crops.