Hello r/AskArgentina! Could you please inform me about telecommunications?
Vagabond build based around dragon communion?
4th attempt trying to setup arkham knight from fitgirl, last one took 4hrs staying at 0.0%. please help
[PC][Early 2000s, 2010s] Side-scrolling shmup
Hi This is R/astko
Advertisements playing during the game
Sta se igra?
Screen tearing on freshly booted stock
Mini+ Giveaway: What’s my favorite Sandwich?
Remote Raid Megathread - Find friends fast for raiding here
Dushan radi antigravitacionu centrifugu
Hollow Knight Giveaway
[TOMT][VIDEO GAME] Side-scroller shooter where you control a shell with tentacles, with Kirby powers
Weekly Q&A Megathread October 31 - November 06
Is it or not?
Why is sometimes scratching hands not enough, but biting them is?
***Super Blonde Team Assembly*** My dream is complete!!! (^^)
Idk seems kinda racist to me
Top 5 Reasons to Abuse CummyBot2000
I hugg tightly
I used to do _______ to get over my last crush.
hvala rts, jako kul
Any advice?
taking your daughter on a bike ride