First bambu A1 PA612 CF print
What's the most rounds you've put through a pla+ frame?
Help please
3d printed mag extension
Weird grinding noise
Frustration with Kobra 2 Neo
Sound Stuttering in Forza H5
Attempt #2
PY2A OEM Style Glock 19
GID filament is crazy abrasive
For everyone asking what was on the back of my g3c
Designed and printed myself a to-go case fitting 5 preloaded mouthpieces for my Arizer Air Max
How's my printing looking?
What's the easiest software to learn how to edit 3d models?
What causes this weird rippling?
What are the easiest upgrades for the kobra 2 neo?
Help with stringing
My edc
First attempt I'd give it a 5 outta 10
How's it looking so far?
Just recently got my Taurus G2C!
First gun and new G2C owner!
Why is my PETG coming out like this?
Petg suitable for 3D printing guns
Love my Taurus.