Has anyone ever tried the latest AI Grok 3? Image generation getting more realistic.
Is xavier fucking dumb
Remput otak
Lain macam 😭
Getting this problem a lot
Victim blaming at its finest
We always look at the bright side, that why crime offender often left unattended.
Man tweaking over two women loving eachother 💀💀
You're so dramatic just because they love each other?
Local diddy walk-in a mosque and kidnap a lil girl
Looking for Honest Feedback on My Rental Marketplace Website - Okay ke tak? 🚀
Atheist vs Agnostic
Is it possible to be muslim and also a lesbian?
I guess the rest of us have no value
Iklan yahudi
Scared the f out of me
Just spawned. What should i do?
Built a website to find halal/pork-free food
Throwback Thursday: Minecraft event at Sunway Putra Mall
E-invoice vs GST
Is it just me that cant imagine how a woman looks like?
Almost Singaporean
My 5 year old Laptop
Won’t let me play my fav songs😔
i mean what the actual hell??