I kinda wish Ruby and sapphires outfits were more separated from their homeworld designs.
unrelated but slurs directed torwards trans people are so ass man. like cmon if you are gonna use slurs then at least come up with some good ones
Actually it's so easy to imagine both.
What an odd thing to say
Misogyny causes brain rot
What are the most disturbing facts you know about the human body?
Had a dream Springtrap was just some pedophile. Made a whole lot more sense
Is this mostly true? What you all think :v (not going in r/Teenagers cuz...yeah no)
Say something nice about this man
Here’s a little comic I made about how anti-Christian bias is not a real thing. [OC]
Diary of a pretty girl pages 1-2
POV: seeing that Fish_Internet_1896 got banned
Coaxed into my attempt at the most general snafu ever
Should my make this? (Holly Hills LLB)
Coaxed into little kids that haven't touched grass in all of the second 6 years of their life.
What the fuck man?
bone hurting bullet
Why does she look so short
I have regrets
One of the COOLEST theory i have ever read- --"Theory written under images"
tag yourself.
Found out my older sister is pregnant yesterday
for he hungers