Guys, I have a theory
the feminine urge to send this exact photo to my computer science teacher
¿coincidence?, I don't think so...
Spread the word
my oldsock came but DAMN her barber ain’t hiding nothing from me 😭🙏🏾
Jeepers creepers, is that the man behind the slaughter??
what the hell 😭
I love Pinterest
Having a great day
Chiyo-chan broke the Dalgona candy 😥
red ded characters but :3
Cheerio appreciation post
Go ahead, zoom in.
John Marston Cosplay
she sings, she builds, she carries
We might be cooked (real picture and he actually did the salute)
Nuked so hard you can't see the difference
I now have left twitter... finally.
"omg trumps doing something!" me asf
Spread the news
rate my 5x5/roast me/give me recommendations/etc etc
“Not again…” by yuyuyuyu
Got bored in school