The unbearable weight of being a cat.
My cat is the cutest and you can't convince me otherwise
Question on Westin Anaheim hotel
This is how serious we are on the "War on Drugs"
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She is just so perfect!
Disneyland or Disneyworld?
ESI President Resigns
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There is nothing that Lola loves more than a tummy rub. My phone is full of these pics.
Does your kitty make the strangest shapes?
Rest, hydrate,flair….. repeat💅🤦🏻♀️
Its charlies 24th birthday today
How to make 30th Birthday Extra Special
Coming out from under the blanket after a long nap together
What days of week are least busy for Disneyland?
Lola loves to snuggle next to me and get her tummy rubbed.
What flower is this supposed to be at Club 33?
Lei Lei favorite thing is laying under the blanket with her head sticking out. My favorite thing is taking pics of her.
What is the best Disneyland/California adventure quick service restaurant
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