I guess KI is just giving perms out now
Great Day to start the weekend
Is this pet too far gone?
I need help
IDF soldiers assulting a photographer in Jérusalem
Persistent denier of the moon landing gets punched by astronaut Buzz Aldrin 👊
Scalping is getting ridiculous. Outside of BestBuy. Classless.
Mafia is a total piece of shit
Perfect stats. Wrong Artifact
Managed to get a Series S from Target to be picked up in store tomorrow. It's my first launch day console and I'm extremely excited
Drunk woman goes on disgusting racist tirade.
[50/50] (SFW) 2020 Ford Mustang GT500 | Man impaled by Chain Link Fence after Car Crash (NSFW)
Drive Thru Strip Club in Houston TX
[XB1]H:3* chameleon ap cav RA W:caps
[XB1] H: B SS +A Combat Knife W: Offers
[Discussion] Feel Like Playing Devil's Advocate Because I'm Bored
[XB1] H: AAE pipe pistol W: Cap offers
[XB1] H: 3* AA Handmade W: offers
[XB1] W: 2* LVL 50 Bloodied 33% VHC Bow H: Caps
[XB1] W: Bull Ammo Scrap H: Whatever you may need.
[XB1] H: 3* zealots 10%dmg ads 90% less weight W: offers
[XB1] H: 2.1 million 556 W: the best offer gets it all
[XB1] H: IERL Black Powder Rifle W: Trades only
[Price Check] Bloodied 33/250 Bow XB1