Do you believe that India is on a downward spiral because basically its a socialist state where wealth created by 2% hardworking and merited individuals is distributed among rest 98%?
It's not your fault, it's your genetics
Why do Indians on international flights have this terrible habit of asking others to exchange seats so that their family member can sit with them?
I feel bad because I lost my calm in a meeting today and unnecessarily argued over a matter that I should have kept quiet about.
The root cause of anxiety is an internal lack of confidence in our own ability to navigate a situation to get our desired outcome. And our unwillingness to accept the undesired outcome also.
Why are more Indians opting not to marry or having kids?
What's the reason indian middle class can never be happy in life ?
Overstimulated in India
Online hate and racism against Indians in IS is very worrying and sickening. Do Indians in US face racism and threats in everyday life too?
Do prospective students now worry about racism and strong anti-immigrant sentiment in the US?
As a prospective student, are you anxious and worried about racism in the US, if you are not white?
With all this brouhaha over H1Bs, it's very likely that H1B program will be scrapped. Will it still be worth do go to US to study?
Little streams of happiness
What is Cost of studying in the usa for bachelors degree
Are there any social anxiety clubs where people can video chat with each other for "exposure therapy" to get over with their anxiety?
What's the real reason for majority of India's population being vegetarian?
Why can't India make progress in science and technology and social development despite having so many people and so much money (5th largest economy)
Men, what did you experience when you had no money compared to when you had it?
How to remain calm
Anxiety leads to overthinking and it leads to inaction.
Is it better to be in top 10% of the class in a tier2 university rather than in the bottom 50% of the class in a tier1 university?
What does Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) actually feel like to you?
Why my Thai trip sucked :(