Is dating more difficult when being uncircumcised? Hygiene prejudices of girls?
AITA for wanting to leave my wife because she refuses to have sex?
Has anyone got their formula covered by insurance? (BCBS)
Did your spouse hate you during the pregnancy?
PSA: You can get pregnant immediately after baby even if you don't have a period
What annoying habits does your other half have?
My girlfriend thinks I’m super considerate for always putting down the toilet seat for her. Little does she know… I always pee sitting down.
Do you think Canada should allow Trump in to the country for the upcoming G7?
Mother wants me to stop breastfeeding…
Would you support Vermont's secession to join Canada?
What’s One Thing You Wish Women Knew About Men (But Would Never Say Out Loud)?
What types of lingerie arouse you the the most (when worn by a woman with an athletic body type)?
What’s one habit people think is normal but you find secretly disgusting?
Do your boys sit or stand to pee at home?
AITA for refusing to follow my girlfriend’s “boundary” about watching movies with nudity?
Trough urinals
Need recommendations for a new Mac. Looking to record at 1080p
any other dads doing all of the dishes all the time?
AITA for not wearing a bra around my boyfriend's parents?
Men wiping
AITAH for giving my girlfriend an ultimatum regarding our sex life?
AITAH for not wanting to have sex with my girlfriend after work?
Do men find their women less attractive when she gets pregnant?
It’s really awful having a penis you can’t actually use