Has anyone else decided to turn off bite infection, etc.
Anyone know if theirs a Gas station closer to Riverside? I dont have any hoses for my gas can. And no cars have Gas.. I dont wanna walk 10k miles lol pls help Question
What's this cube thing?
Is this migration?
Weirdest 'dream' I've had.. Gustavo Fring haunted my dream
This happened in my dream and it was somehow so funny I woke up
How can we add new names to the name generation for kingdoms / Alliances?
Can I ask you all for prayer? I'm just going through a lot, depression, anxiety, struggling with just making it through the week honestly. Repeat since the start of the year. Much love to you all, sorry if this is a weird post
Had to do this
I think the sponge power should be replaced with a broom icon (info in comments)
I'm applying to a summer camp as Program staff, what should I know about the Job? If you all have any Advice!
has the new update been released??
I need prayer from tempation, please pray for me Im rlly trying to rely on God to get me through, thank yall sm in advance
Religious gifts
Idk if this is good to post but here's a poem I wrote.
What date is correct?
Question about forgiveness and someone lying to me?
Is the update here?
You called me insane…
believe, u FOOLS - update comes on April Fools'? (and other schizo theories)
April 1?
How well would a Space Marine do in the Doom universe? Lets say a sqaud of four were sent to H3ll
You guys couldn’t wait for a microwave pizza to cook if your life depended on it
Designer Babies menu,what is this?