The fact that the FRV icon has 2 bullets above it implies there will be other varients in the future. What would you like to see replace the HMG?
What Arctic Ranger Shouldve Been
Which Restaurant/Bar do you miss the most
Why Vitality Enhancement is vital if you use light armor (repost changed text to be more legible)
I 100%'d DBD without actually 100%ing DBD
Well, there's that at least
Well fired rolls
I like to call it the warthog
The prices are getting insane
Good to see so many of you
This has been spray painted on my wall, any ideas what it could mean? Looks like JJJJJ to me.
Give me your Killer/Survivor main and I’ll give you a random image
Favorite automaton loadouts?
What's the best place for retro games?
hope this clears things up
The Adventure Zone: Abnimals Ep. 1: Bunny Heist!
watched midnight cowboy then taxi driver then played nitw all back to back td i feel horrible
tons of accounts about nonexistent immortal supermodel/actor/singer/everyone and everything "monique desiree taitague"
Lost Cat
retro games shop in liverpool
Any Cd/Trans Bars?
Abercromby square protest
Mothman in Liverpool.
[NXT Spoilers] Say his name.