My coworker's halmoni thinks his obese American gf will kill him
Boules sticking like hell
Is blogging Still worth it ? Honestly ?
Beehiv vs. Substack 2025!
Why do people have multiple blogs?
I Made a Blog Income Calculator!
Should I buy the M2 MacBook Air now or wait for the M4 MacBook Air?
the duality of man...
[Beast Raid Expert] Howwww…
regret about buying m1 mba
How did you lose weight?
Make authentic foreign food great again..?
How Long Does It Take a Pro Content Writer to Craft a High-Quality 1000-Word Article/Blog?
How on earth am I supposed to afford to live??
24 vs 48 GB Ram?
Help about migrating from Touch Bar.
Public service announcement
I Need To Pay For A Domain On Every Site I Try To Make A Blog On But Not Willing To Pay.
Asked to provide a letter of resignation towards the end of my contract
What is your reason to stay alive?
Connecting a secondary monitor to my old MBP?
Visa Change in One week
iPad Only Setup for general productivity?
My ipad 3 still working after 10 Years that i left on my grandmas house
Should I get Botox?