HOA Busting Squads
Why are mullets so hated?
Lowe’s doesn’t seem to want me to have my deeply discounted mower.
What did you buy as an adult because you were denied it as a child?
When American Pie Came Out, Stiffler's Mom (Jennifer Coolidge) Was Only 37
Not a single person there thought that was a bad idea?!
Will my babies just be giant or will they slow down growing in the third trimester?!
Trump is the most unpopular president in more than 70 years. Sorry, MAGA.
To be Elon Musk
What’s the first major news event that truly left an impression on you during your childhood? And has The Dollop taken a deep dive into that story yet?
Who is the richest dog in the world and what is their net worth?
What was considered normal in your youth but seems strange today?
Mods/Admins who complain about how tough it is and how appreciative you should be
Wtf did you think would happen?
Which movie title becomes the most ridiculous when you add “& the Chocolate Factory” to the end of it?
What’s something you wish you knew about therapy in your 20s?
When did you stopped procrastinating and got your sh*t together ?
I wonder if people who work in advertising realize how much people hate advertisements.
Is Sodastream's diet pepsi syrup a bit different then diet pepsi?
Why does time feel like it goes by fast as we age?
I don't want to kick my dog out of my bed, but I need to sleep.
🚤 What’s the Best Way to Get a Captain’s License? Need Advice from Experienced Boaters
Kissing your spouse
Were there any bands or artists that were seen as overrated or underrated at the time but are viewed differently now?
Mmwave sensors, what do you do with them?