vent: i can’t win no matter what
☆ day 10: final board!
my older-ish fic has been getting an influx of comments/bookmarks/hits and i wanna know how!
is there a mod to disable time constraints on dates/active work days/events?
☆ day 9: horrible person & hated by fans
My binge.
☆ day 8: morally grey & hated by fans
☆ day 7: good person & hated by fans
☆ day 6: horrible person & opinions are divided
Fanfiction writers, what was your college major?
☆ day 5: morally grey & opinions are divided
Why Nicky hate?
☆ day 4: good person & opinion are divided
i gained weight, it's probably water weight
☆ day 2: morally grey & loved by fans
☆ day 3: horrible person & loved by fans
game time ☆ day 1: good person & loved by fans
is there a thing as too much cardio?
am i too old to read fanfic?
i can see this becoming my safe food <3
Ah Kevin my favorite judgmental bitch 💕
idk what this is either
Breakfast of champions
what is my tdee and how much exercise should i be doing?