Inventors of the South Tigris First Impressions: Overwhelming!
Solo only versions of Competitive or co-op games ever be a thing?
Which game do you think suffers from the worst downtime?
What Board Game Made You Fall in Love with the Hobby?”
FS [48601] $350 - Anachrony “Infinity Box”
What’s everyone playing lately? Anything new to you that stands out?
When does a board game stop being fun and become more like work?
Cascadia or Carcassonne
German game of the year being a symbol of quality?
What’s your favorite spin off game?
A new everdell game?
What’s your favorite way to play Everdell?
What's everyone's thoughts on Darwin's Journey? Talk me in/out of backing it
What are you backing this week?
Do you think there’s a particular year that stands out as the best for board games?
How Many Plays Does It Take to Decide If a Game Is Right for You?
Which epic space themed game deserves GOTY from 2024?
What highly rated board game did you try recently for the first time but didn’t enjoy?
WTB [48601]: Deluxe Inferno, possible all in pledge.
What’s your favorite style of Euro game?
What Board Game got you into the hobby?
What game takes you the longest to setup?