LOOK AT ME! Lol Do you think im pretty?
Twitch warcraft bundle issue
Massive Banwave Hits Bots (1st one in TWW)
Is it possible to skip campaign if i already started it?
Frost DK Nerfs
Let's talk about Run Backs.....
Rogue levelling, Penetrating shot?
Need help playing Penetrating Shot Rogue
Rogue - I just can't take it -change to demon hunter
[ Removed by Reddit ]
What’s the highest damage you have seen your character put out?
So was it worth the 70$ ?
How did I get here?
How HORRIBLE can RNG be?
So much yellow
I could cry, son deleted my chars
Guess the queue
New to wow
Title keeps resetting
Had no idea the dude from 5GDP loved safemoon . He’s one of the whales .. gotta be
Did ENHANCE TOKEN just rug pull?
For anyone worried about their bag size, just HODL WAGMI
Question: Could someone explain why cmc is showing $8 million in 24hour volume for SafeMoon V1? What’s happening here?
500k sell just now 😢
Let’s be honest, how many of y’all wasted an entire week on this for absolutely nothing 😂😂😂