Missing 4 nations tokens help guide
Players during hutchamps
Garnet Hathaway helped off the ice after hit by Boko Imama
EA is full of lies
4 nations upgrade token
What’s going on with rivals, anyone else feeling like this?
Connection issues on Xbox
Thought y’all had the best 85x5…..
Megan Keller goal +2
1.6% chance at a 90+ in the 26k Base Players Pack. Don’t spend on the expensive packs.
Rate My Team and Send Chirps
Frozen servers ruined my Sb
Good Team for a 61 Year Old Player ?
My Jets Theme Team
First every toty and beyond hyped
Were we supposed to receive a jersey for tier 1 in 4 Nations???
Toty question
Endurance should match OVR.
fuck him
This is Poulins instagram post lol
Cool they streaming it too lol 😂 ill be watching 😁
doing a big pack opening tomorrow 😁
NHL 25 / Wed. Jan. 22 Daily HUT Content - What is new?
Wrong hut champs card
Its up! and we need BUF SABRES baby!