Mistakes were made
Nigh stalker issues
Night stalker issues
TISAS night stalker issues
Todas Nigh stalker issues
Tisas Raider: 1st Range Report
Can anyone comment on the accuracy of their Q6 build dates and delivery times thereafter
Winter Range
32M Luxury Brand Dealership Finance Manager.
Pistol permit in CT
Body recomposition?
M/31/6’4” 400>348= 52 lbs since July 15. Can’t rly see it in the mirror but these pics made me realize there’s been some progress. Retiring that shirt lol
Fingerprint appointment
Tax transcripts N400
Divorce and Remarried
To those of you actually clearing 20k, 30k, 40k commission per month - what do you do?
Sales job suggestions
[Daily Discussion] - Sunday, March 31, 2024
Q3 Owners, what are your biggest complaints?
Circuit Experiences Listed by Difficulty (my opinion)
Sample Status/Processing Monthly Megathread - March 2023