app to save money?
Best BLUE albums, what’s missing here?
my airbuds space for ari
what age i think arianas albums are
name an album and i’ll tell you my favorite and least favorite song
Making a list of 50 songs everyone should listen to at least once, round 14/25
Albums, that use existing painting in covers?
Best selling Female Artists of all-time
Wicked Super Ticket
ranking bjork: intro
Kill the Lights, Circus is out! Britney Community Album Ranking | Semifinals Round - Vote for your LEAST favorite Britney album
What U See (Is What U Get), Oops!... I Did It Again is out! | Holy Trinity Round - Vote for your LEAST favorite Britney album
What Mario character gets the aux
Guess my #1 artist based off my top 10
Round 14 winner: "Breathe On Me" from In The Zone should've been a single. Round 15: What song from In The Zone is the most underrated?
Round 12 winner: "I'm Not A Girl (Not Yet A Woman)" is the most overrated song from the *Britney* album. Round 13: What music video is the favourite from "In The Zone"?
tell me non-singles from each album that you think should’ve been singles
rename the bjork albums using tracks from the albums
Choose an album off the topster and I'll say my top 3 songs and describe it in one word
Sza's most overrated song to the surprise of no one is... Kill Bill. But what's her song with the best lyrics?
V won with 207 upvotes. Who will hug you if deserved?
Tell me your favorite and least favorite from my Top 25 👁️👁️
My Everything - Tenth Anniversary Edition!
What do you think is Bjork’s most aggressive song?