give me your avatars and I’ll rank EVERY SINGLE ONE (open for around a day)
what are the chances
How rare is this?
drawing your avatars part 18
What class of guard would you be for her?
This is genuinely disgusting
Putting your avatars on this tierlist based on how smart your avatars are!
OK, I will have to discard my previous tier list and make a new one. PART 1, picking the top 10 most up voted avatars
Got bro's soul
drawing your avatars 🫵 (with artistic licence)
No, we dont accept _______ as a payment.
This is illegal.
Putting your avatars on this chart
I have no fucking clue??????
Could UTCM beat two Astro Obliterators?
Is there some kind of requirement to perform the Wuxi finger hold?
I fucking HATE ______
Darn it... my Valentines chocolate had _____ in it!!!!!
Nobody is a bigger fan of ____ than I am
What is this?
I hate ___ people
Your (kinda) Last Chance!
Do you guys think we will ever see a new race?(computermen implied)
Is it normal that I feel attracted to these two?
Guys come on now(credit: Roblox_dontask)