How often do you use guns?
Enjoy the Peace When You Can. It Only Takes One Bite.
Why do I get easily 100+ FPS on every other map but on Twisted Nerve im getting not only 50 FPS but frame timings are anywhere between 19-30ms which makes it feel more like 20 FPS. I've done all the optimization guides one could possibly find. It runs like shit. Barely using my CPU and GPU.
How did…
How did he convince him to join him
How’s everyone feel about the VA
They need to put Brian Cranston in this show at some point.
Okay, but there's no way this took bro out, right?
Angstrom is very confusing
Unable to drink or fill water containers
I can't drink from the sink and refill bottle on version 42.4.0 PZ
New to the game. How to get S?
Me and my friend did the "Way out West" achievement. But only I got it?
H: a chem hoarding problem W: any offers that help me get rid of them
H: Glowing Bigfoot W: You to pick a number between 1-7600
Anybody else's luck still awful for fasnacht, I just did a full 24hr run (15hrs active 9hrs AFK) (makes 106 runs in total for me) and not a single rare mask lol
New player simple question
Just made this gun is it any good?
Why are the Hospital Workers Shiny?
W: Non-Glowing Abe and Non-Glowing Veggieman H: 5k caps a piece
What are the best new glowing masks in your opinion
Finally Got My John Wick Outfit
H: Glowing unicorn, glowing pig, loon, raven, fiend, fcjs W: Glowing Bigfoot
H: Glowing Bigfoot W: Offers
What one is better for melee?