Disability might have to be an option
GF gives ultimatum
How much will I be taxed on SSDI?
Am I actually bipolar or was it only caused by substance abuse?
Genuine Question: why do some of y'all not take your medication?
Too many meds?
Is there a class you had to retake more than once?
God standard medication dosage?
sorry if this is the wrong place but im worryed my dads ssi will be take away wit the upcoming admin
It amazes me how people react to the fact that I take meds
[ Removed by Reddit ]
I don’t know what’s happening.
Success Stories for Bipolar or Schitzoaffective Disorder
ECT treatment reached its end?
Impending manic episode
Misdiagnosis experiences?
When did you receive disability for bipolar disorder?
How do you stop ruminating over the embarrassing things you did while manic?
Any other bipolar people in college and feel totally exhausted and burnt-out?
This sub is a circle jerk where only some people's experiences are validated.
Please help!! ❤️
AIO just found out my ex wife is dating a registered sex offender
Starting to get scared off of switching degrees and pursuing psychology. I’m 32 and I don’t want to regret spending time pursuing something unrealistic…
Disability Approved for Bipolar Disorder or Schitzoaffective Disorder alone?
This sub hurts my soul