6th year at Monash University, AMA.
First CHM 1011 workshop disappointment
Current biomed student thinking about switching to a double degree
What other pathways can i do if i dont get into med?
Worst Private Schools for VCE?
How do you study for chemistry 3/4??
high achieving SAC prep routine??
chem 1011 vs 1051
Switching from biomed single degree to engineering biomed double degree in semester 2
Where to get suits?
who’s going to the biomed transition day on wednesday next week?
People who do bachelor of science and/or biomedicine. What are you going to do after finishing your degree
How much do yall study every nihjt
Second handed boss katana mkII 50, 250 AUD equivalent to 156 USD. Is it worth it?
Looking for mates
Line 6 spider V 30 vs Orange crush 35RT
Orange crush 35LDX second handed 160 AUD equivalent to 98USD, is it worth it?
Line 6 Spider V 30 Guitar Amp second handed 190 AUD equivalent to 118 USD. Is it worth it?
Help needed for Biomed units and area of study
Tutoring while Gaming
Can we still maintain our hobbies in year 12?
what do i need for a 99😭
Pencil case recommendations?
Want to do med postgrad. I got biomedical science scholars program and biomedical science/engineering double degree offers. Really need advice. Any insights is greatly appreciated
Why do you or did you want high ATAR?