This is why I never go for final mori...
Survivor Confusion
"Did the killer got a bit faster?" My last words.
This surrender option for killer makes no sense
Can I still get Soma?
Headcanon: There are 2 Nemesis' running around the entity's realm.
Is there any way to counter aura reading builds as a survivor?
What would be the cheapest way to get a Legendary skin?
Wesker now has friends
Scratch marks are badly visible?
19 more days until april 2...
PLEASE don’t bring no mither with an invocation
Hear me out
can scourge hook perks be used together
Adrenaline doesn’t trigger, what am I missing?
Okay very technical question about new map offerings.
Sense anime is possible for dbd who's on your wishlist these or mine
Good lord please create a way to make sure people who don’t know what plot twist is know not to pick you up
Hound master bug fixes?
about the tokyo ghoul chapter
I haven't played in a minute, is this build still valid?
It had Styptic and a Syringe in it, what a nice person.
Deep Wound Gang
I don't care if this gets hate, I'm willing to die on this hill. Feel free to discuss
Don't get me wrong, BHVR have done a fantastic job with Kaneki's model, but why does he look so different from the source material?