TIL that due to an agreement between the National Archives and Caroline Kennedy, the jacket Jackie Kennedy wore on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated cannot be displayed in public until 2103
Found something interesting albeit strange on Youtube
Death by vending machine is a real phenomenon. 37 deaths and 113 injuries occured from falling vending machines from 1978 to 1995. The U.S military started putting warning labels in the late 80s after a number of incidents on military installations. Males make up the vast majority of deaths
Just great,another World Cup to be built by slave labor and inside a inhospitable desert. Nice job!
Lost in the Fog
Tuvalu: The disappearing island nation recreating itself in the metaverse
A underrated historically significant word : Sockdologizing. It was the word picked by John Wilkes Booth as his cue to shoot Lincoln. He picked that line as he knew it was the line tended to evoke the most laughter in the play which he hoped would cover the sound of the shot.
TIL that Ulysses S Grant was supposed to attend the play in which Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. John Wilkes Booth had also planned to assassinate Grant. However, at the last minute Grant decided to go to New Jersey to visit his children instead of attending the play.
NBC Tower, Chicago. I just find the design to be sleek and elegant. A departure from the now modern ubiquitous all glass design trend.
Jimmy Carter's accomplishments range from winning the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, getting nominated for the Grammy Award 9 times, being the longest-lived former U.S president, having an airport named after him and getting a White House ornament while still being alive. He once reported seeing a UFO too.
The state of Florida will acquire this ship, the SS United States. It plans to sink it to create a tourist attraction for divers exploring the underwater ship.
The capital city of Louisiana, Baton Rouge nicknamed Cancer Alley. Residents of this area have a 95% greater chance of developing cancer compared to the average American
In the sci-fi movie The Arrival (1996) which is about disguised aliens who are secretly terraforming the Earth by building massive CO2 factories. In the final scene, it shows a weather forecast showing how abnormal warm temperatures become the norm. Pretty ahead of its time since it was the 90's.
This cake is actually not a lie
Japanese propaganda poster used to promote Japanese immigration into Brazil and South America. "Join Your Family, Let's Go to South America." 1925
What flag is attached to the presidential motorcade?
John Oliver met his wife at the most unlikely of places- The 2008 Republican National Convention. She was a vet who with other vets helped Oliver hide from security
Someone's facetime got included in the Wikipedia cover image of the 2024 United Kingdom riots
TIL Palmyra Atoll is the only U.S territory that is subject to all Constitutional provisions even if it has no inhabitants. If a foreigner gave birth on the atoll, that child would be an American citizen.
Walmart made an interactive a.i model of founder Sam Walton who has been dead since 1992. Looks dystopian
Underground Chuck E Cheese
TIL that the city of St Petersburg, Florida got its name from a coin toss. If it landed on the other side, it would have been named Detroit, Florida
TIL There are over 84 foreign heads of state that were educated in the U.S
The Legislative Building of the Northwestern Territories, Canada
Pi (1998)