What song is playing?
Without saying Do or die, what Machine Head song is this for you?
Pile of garbage or debris of some kind.
Shameless scenes as emotions. Which Shamless scene best represents “disgust”?
Thunderbolts suck
What is happening to Osno1's Spotify page? A conversation I overheard is gone and now this is on there.
What do you like more shorts or skirts?
Fire Aid
Favorite Laura Les song? released or unreleased
Feline Extermination Rat Tricks is back on Youtube!
Another album with this god awful cover!
L4D if it was released today
My first ever gig.
What songs are you hoping they bring back on the tour?
Sleepy Teto
Song fucking rips
Acid bath songs in the form of wojaks
Just a femboy musician :3
Name any Machine Head song using only emojis
Name any Black Sabbath song using only emojis
Psychologically, would YOU survive the zombie apocalypse in Left 4 Dead?
What is another song my band should cover based on our current set
What live show would you like to see get an official release next?(either in a box set or standalone)
Saw this on Twitter today
I have a $50 Amazon gift card burning a hole in my wallet, I need some suggestions for a knife or knives to buy.