Take the ball, pass the ball
One of those games
Played against Victor Baia
Does Empty Stadium graphics Improve Gameplay And lag problem?
Just noticed this tiny exchange between Suarez and Lamps
Sharing a few things whilst playing possession
MSN Neymar & Messi Highlights
UCL Neuer is a problem
Nothing to see here! Except ➡️ Darwin obliterating a p2w team
My top 5 bangers of the week
Just gotta admire Cech
Cheeky nutmeg to beat Costa
Potw Kvara review highlight
Jude Clutchingham
mother from hell
European Clubs Selection Attackers 10 Feb '25
Art of missing the crossbar ❤️🩹
The art of crossbar 💔
Can’t believe I lost to this garbage formation
Top corners from two of my best fk takers
A short compilation of O. Kahn’s clutch moments
Shut down the Cross Spam Play
The Three Most Difficult Badges to Get (In My Opinion)
Beckham hits it top corner 🎯
Blud is playing dodge ball 😭