Conseil Capes interne
Test fit, needs some more mud to fill the gaps, and a guy running away added to the trench.
I run the most followed Instagram account in my niche worldwide, ask me anything
Well I guess this sergeant’s load out is no longer legal…
I want to name my squads but have zero imagination. Any suggestions for this one?
What are some of the BEST recent Black Library books?
Looking for advise to make this model less “boring”
Does anyone use an airbrush to paint their guardsmen?
Are photos or video better for displaying a paint-job?
My year in painting: aka, not much!
“Sgt. Graven’s Gravediggers”
“Sgt. Graven’s Gravediggers” a squad of cadian shock.
A little video of my Heavy Weapons Team.
What’s your batting average for good faces? I have only these 4 from a whole year of painting…
A little reel of my Cadian Heavy Weapons Team
What’s your batting average for faces coming out decent? I have these 4 from a whole year of painting…
Scions or Kasrkin? I’m fond of my guys as they were the first squad I painted for this army.
My Kasrkin, painted a long time ago but feeling nostalgic!
Went to my local warhammer store to pickup a delivery and the manager said he has something I might be interested in… bought it immediately
Just finished my scout sentinel. Learned a lot!
Do we think scout sentinels will take a hit in the new codex, or will they remain one of our best utility units?
A Holiday Project and the down to the Brass Tracks(guards)
First scout sentinel ready to be deployed!
What’s happened to Mordian Glory?