What are symptoms of major depression not many people are aware of?
Lithium can reverse epigenetic changes - several lithium documented recoveries
what are some really bad common life choices?
What's an unexpected quality you should have to make it big through your profession?
What is one thing you would never buy, even if you had a billion dollars?
What is the absolute worst things humans have ever invented?
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
what are your thoughts on whether communication is black and white?
Moms whose kids went off to college, how did you spend your last day as their mother?
What is the worst thing you have ever smelled?
What are your thoughts on cosmetic surgery?
What normal thing we do would make an animal label us as insane?
What is the key to happiness?
What was your last thought before going to sleep?
What's something about the old Internet you miss the most?
What is some real shit that we all need to be aware of right now, but no one is talking about?
If Squid Game was real, would you participate, why?
What kind of jobs do most dota 2 players have?
what do you think is the difference between determination and motivation? which one is more important? why?
What song perfectly describes your life?
What was your childhood comfort food?
What’s something that sits right on the border of immoral and moral?
What food item is bullshit?
What is more scarier than death?
What is the best response to "You Have No Friends"?