Can I paint these as blood angels?
Killteam Starter Set… with a difference
Wife wanted to paint her first Space Marine and invented a new Chapter for me
Reaper Bones Skorg Ironskull - Day 3 WIP
Reaper Bones Skorg Ironskull
Please r ate my set up, for someone who doesn’t have space for a permanent desk yet.
does anyone like this guy, cause i loathe him😭.
First Plague Marine C+C
First time painting a Nurgle based character.
Who is this? Wrong answers only.
I stopped using washes/contrast two months ago.
Anyone else use separate outfits for warm/cold weather?
What’s the wildest thing a “You up?” text has lead to?
What the fuck
What is the superman version of this
just watched the final grand tour and I'm in bits, my girl thinks I'm a loser for crying but she doesn't understand
Fuck astrology signs, base your compatibility on your SM Chapter.
A full plot near me is £80 (non-parishoner) which I thought was pretty standard. Do rates vary that much?
What would happen to the Imperium if…
What Chapter does everyone play? (SM2)
Matchmaking issues?
The true Space Marine II online experience
After such ratings, does anyone still trust gaming reviewers?
It’s Just One More Day…