Update Grombrindal and Wulfrik to have teleportation mechanics
My old terraria memes i found in my google photo
Vampire coast can't be pirates when they are supposed to be.
Still not progressing?
Did i deserve to be kicked?
Anyone know what to do about this? I've verified the game on steam like 5 times already.
Does anyone enjoy Running in the 90s mode?
Love letter ❤️
What are some games that you like but you are really bad at it
How do you pull yourself out of a dark headspace?
Was really impatient to try my new rifle but only had two rear sights on hand
Keep it or toss it?
PSA, 40 hours in discovered hold CTRL to run
I’m newer to killing floor, how would personally rank all the perks from best to worst? (bonus points if you explain why)
If Dwarves work for DRG, who do Elves work for?
Most controversial thing you have to say about Total Warhammer as of right now?
Which one should I choose?
Helmet, Body Armour Damage Reductionin Cosmetics?
Fighting Skaven
Opinions on Pump Action?
CA: we had to nerf Vlad because he was too OP. Also CA: Ungrim with permanent 50% ward save, 90% ward save at low HP is fine
Time to rustle some feathers
What is denied by many people but it is actually 100% real?
Who dies first?
Warthog overclock idea