Always check for wards before killing Tormentor
I feel like neutral items got exactly the change that they needed with 7.38
tipical enemies after winstreak
Is anyone else getting radicalized recently.
Interactive Map update for 7.38b
Sunsfan made this prediction on 24th Jan. It's been exactly 6 weeks.
I recorded system latency across multiple matches to help fix the input lag issue
The removal of these items from the Neutral Pool made their images MIA in Nest Of Thorns
One lane, bi-directional, non-orientable lane concept
Battle Reports fixed
ICYMI: Jeff Hill's updates on input lag (from 1 week ago and just recently)
Everyone's talking about Conan's Kendrick comment, but the Oscars ceremony was worth watching for this moment alone
Hoodwink's Treebound Trickshot facet should be a default feature of Acorn Shot
Friends list doesn't show friends since recent update, only shows guild members
This has not been fixed, Tormentor still spawns right next to your hero in demo mode (full map)
banner creep
How does Destiny keep going on?
Invoker Players Deciding which facet to take
Your average team mates
Still waiting on this guy's next evolution
I'm so back
Happens literally every time you try to have meaningful discussions about balance on this sub
We desperately need this message here! Sincerely, support player.
The fact that Abaddon actually got BUFFED in 7.38 is fucking wild to me