Millennials talking to gen Z/alpha
Prussian Stormtroopers
My pegasus standard
What kind of instrument is this Demigryph Knight using?
Kaiserreich 1.4 - "All the Russias"
Lord Celestant
Why did you choose Stormcast?
Welcome to Bird Up, the Worst Show on Television
Points up for new Battletome
What did people pre-order?
Stick with the flaming wings or make them ethereal/magical blue?
What are people planning to pickup in the Stormcast preorders tomorrow?
Iridan the Witness brings the power of the Bleak Raven to the Stormcast Eternals (WarCom)
Stormcast Preorders up next weekend
What's your favourite movie length RTGame Video?
Watch your tanks!
A list of some of my favourite kits to use for conversions and kitbashes
This hast to be one of if not the best battle reports I’ve ever seen
Stormcast Damage Output (Per-Hundred Points)
Warhammer Studio Interview – Designing the New Skaven While Respecting the Classics - Warhammer Community
The new Lord-Veritant | #adwip #warhammercommunity #NewAoS