Type "sigma boy", but replace the "sigma" to any letter of the Greek alphabet
What would you change?
Gabelsberger Exercise 2 (introduction to shading)
Can we stop doing ___
The cat in the ___
Had a dream once where I saw this exact page from a slightly foxed, age-discoloured joke book from the early 90's.
I find your lack of ______ disturbing
Yer maw's a ___
_____ is the root of all evil
O NO! I’M ridiculous
I call Patrick as ____________
“It doesn’t matter if you’re black or _______.” - Michael Jackson
Is it compulsory to use 2 fingers at the same time?
Saw This Before I Woke Up Today.
Type your name with eyes closed
I cannot stand u/_____!
______ the French.
I had a dream where I saw this on my phone
Guys im scared
Hey Ouija, do you know Candice?
Duo are you a bird or a butterfly💀
Gabelsberger exercise
Gabelsberger exercise (reattempt)