SPIRITS!! I DID IT . I finally convinced my virgin wife to _______ with me.
If waluigi exists, how do you spell it?
Hi! My name is, my name is _________
Spirits, what gets you off?
I want to ___ Taylor Swift’s hair
Wario’s purple sidekick is _______
Human, I remember your _________.
Spirits, do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?
BREAKING NEW: _______ Found dead in apartment due to heroin overdose in drug-induced orgy
Today is my cake day. Am I allowed to karma whore?
Who is the gayest gay that ever gayed?
How do you sleep? Like Honkmimimimimi or honkshoo honkshoo honkshoo?
You’re a ___, Harry.
Why are you guys so horny?
please fill in the blanks below spirits
This is a bucket. It contains ___
I am addicted to ______
Spirits, who shot Abraham Lincoln?
No doctor, I have no idea how this ______ got inside my anus
Type "Energency frog situation" with your chin
APK not installed
"I'm tired... I want to play some Geometry ______"
The best videogame of all times is ______! OWE
Recite a famous quote. OWE