Help! Looking for a hat!
Why the fuck is finding an entry level job so hard?
It just does not get better.
What’s the craziest way you ever quit a job?
Cheapest buzz haircut in Bend?
What jobs are good for those that just need money.
My gti is making weird noises after starting in cold weather.
Do you actually like your job?
Why do minimum wage / entry level jobs ask where you see yourself in 5 years?
The grocery store self checkout refunded me after i walked out of the store. Am i a thief for not going back?
Searching for career opportunities has landed him in a rut & we need advice on finding a new job out of school
Found an abandoned puppy
LinkedIn makes me want to kill myself
At last job 9 months, looking to leave new job as soon as possible, would that look bad?
Can a dry patch on the cornea be removed by any doctors?
My friends never reach out.
How do you move out of state?
Defeated. Please help.
Thinking about getting a job
Does this mean I'm hired?
Does everyone hate their jobs?
Feeling burnt out and disheartened
Found $1 on the ground at the gym. If this hits I’ll send everyone who comments $10. Let’s rock.
Trying to figure out what to do
Is it better to save a buck a day til you get to 5$ or just use the 1 dollar every day and hope for the best?