Have you ever feel guilty after being toxic in Ranked/QuickMatch?
Leta go boys make your country proud
The main difference in breaking bad and other big shows is it nailed the ending.
Elon: "To be extremely clear, no matter how much I disagree with the Ukraine policy, Starlink will never turn off its terminals. <...> We would never do such a thing or use it as a bargaining chip."
Got called out in chat for not helping the team. This is what I was doing (Frontlines).
Ich kann mit diesem Jahrhundert nichts anfangen
Hat jemand in Heidelberg schon einmal solche Dosen im Briefkasten gehabt? Riecht absolut seltsam / giftig und ich habe Angst es zu öffnen. Manche Nachbarn haben es auch.
Gesundheitsrisiko Tattoo Wie die Farbe im Körper wirkt
I can prove to u that the earth don't rotate
Warum wird meist der Familienname des Mannes gewählt ?
Mehr als 1700 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler kritisieren CDU und CSU wegen Kleiner Anfrage zu Demokratieprojekten
Bis zu 250€ für Teilnahme an einer Studie zu Cannabiskonsum an der Charité
F.E.A.R: Extraction Point | 90fps | Ultra Settings | The combat in these games is still unmatched…
Why divert back to Quito, when they're like already halfway to Miami?
Gen Z: Pleite sein ist cool
Discussion: Who do you think WILL get the 2 Cadillac seats, Who do you think SHOULD get them, and who would you personally love to see get them?
Why do people keep telling me to switch when I use Mr Fantastic
Without Doug, Frank wouldn't have made it
Who thinks Mass Effect 2 is the best game ever made? Justify your answer.
Battlefield 6 Leaked Images/Classes
Sophia Stay Here....
Amazon auf dem absteigenden Ast?
[CoD] 2026 is being developed for Next Gen Xbox dropping PS4 and Xbox one support.
On this day 11 years ago , MH370 disappeared over the Southern Indian Ocean.
Bro needed that hug