How do I make people stop hating me?
Please help me name my dog
What are these tiny white balls in my miso soup?
Guys it’s getting scary
I’m likely a bot
[SUNLU Giveaway] Join now to win SUNLU FilaDryer E2
Does anyone else name their animals with a certain theme?
Is taking the test worth it?
[GTS] Jim Carrey Pills, +30% facial movement
[GTS] I’m a 16 year old but i still love these
How many tokens would it take to get a coloured astronaut
I wish that 11 was an even number.
I wish my car would never overheat again
It feels as if my mind suddenly broke
Should I apply to UT Dallas without rec letter or wait and apply after the priority deadline (dec 1)?
Forgot my wife gets our account alerts... Didn't even make it a minute lol. My mk3 clogged so I angry-ordered a Core One
[inv] Granted, Trump wins the election.
New to the community
November SAT experience
Regarding the rules
What CAD Software Do You Guys Use?
Milton’s effect on teams
A power surge almost burnt my school down… Every single outlet on that wall didn’t work too and we have to wait until Monday for the building owner to get there and unlock the fuse box 😔
Why are everyone’s average score so high?
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