Rubber plant (ficus elastica) branch getting really long
My baby aeonium finally opened!!
What am I supposed to do against someome 2 levels higher than me?
cactus has “dry ends”?
What's this?
Her leaves are hard and brown like wood.
Is this a Baby Rubber Plant?
we good?
The quest for a platinum continues... but this little guy almost didn't get sent to the Amaris graveyard
bug/glitch or hacker?
Confirm my suspicions…
Goblinstein in 3706 trophies.. great
New leaves
Favourite houseplant in your collection at the moment?
what plant would you NEVER get again?
i can grind mut pots for you!
Giving away free dragons/pots/ accessories!
Free with some bio broccoli, friend? What will they become? (south of Portugal, broccoli came from my neighboors yard)
New to plants:')
plant id? thanks in advance.
I found these in the woods in northern California
Adicionem-me tenho invizimals lendários
1 million coin give away just post your pet in irl and I will award the winner in 24 hours gl 🥳
First time alocasia owner, help
Do you also waterboard your plants? 🥰