How would rank the anti sojo squad in terms of individual performances???
Just started the elf reincarnation and I’m kind of confused by the power scaling fake Licht said the Third eye was stronger than him yet he could go even with the wizard king and Raia gets no diff by Mereoleona
Absolutely love this series but the biggest missed opportunity was the fact we didn’t 1 arc with the kamaboko squad all together
If Old country is a success that revitalizes the Mafia brand where would you want the next game to be set in???
More excited for mafia because we all be going to experience Sicily
That Samura L really stuck with Chihiro 😂
Does giyu and tanjiro being the only 2 who’s colored in the poster confirm the Akaza fight will happen in part 1???
Hiruhiko being a child of abuse helps explains why he’s so loyal to yura the man basically saved his life and got him away from the abuse he was suffering and practically raised him as his own which ties in a lot to a major theme of the series which is the connection between father and child
This panel was so hard
Bro looks like Rayleigh from OP 😂😂😂
It’s kind of baffling some people in the fandom are acting like hiruhiko growth and sword skills are some sort of ass pull when yura literally tells you that he was chosen to wield an enchanted blade for that exact reason
Please put him in Born Again s2
Replaying the Mafia trilogy and IMO Mafia 2 has the better gameplay but Mafia 1 had a better story and side cast just can’t really connect to them the way I did with Sam,Paulie,or even Frank
Maturing is realizing they got sent on a absolute suicide mission
How strong is EOS Uryu???
I really hope the next arc is the Shokoku Expedition Arc diving deeper into the losing side of the war is a perfect next step after a arc that’s centered around the sins of the swordbearers
The way Hokazono has handled the female cast gives me a lot of hope that Miss Hishaku and Big Eyes will be top tier when their revealed
Yura vs Chihiro is such an underrated fight
What’s the best uryu fight so far in the TYBW anime???
Samura when the leader of a terrorist organization inevitably betrayals him even tho he pinky promised he wouldn’t
How strong do you think EOS Szayleporro is???
At some point these games really need to get a remake
This would be peak casting
When the sojo arc gets adapted in the anime where exactly could the sojo extra fit without potentially messing up the pacing and tone???
Which arc will be better when animated???