New title unlocked
Help me understand
Why is it that bellows in workstation are designed to hold around 2000mL of air when todal volume is around 500mL only? I'm a beginner pardon my lack of knowledge.
Are there actually people out there accepting shit like this?
My Grandpa's WWII Medals
What’s the largest narcotic dose you pushed on med/surg unit?
Men waiting to be executed during communist purge in Indonesia 1965.
Anesthesia Assistants and scope creep
Multiple hospital badges
How old is too old to go to CAA school?
NPO policy for patient with achalasia
“Jury awards $13M after Macon woman died from anesthesia error”
Do you all get breaks and lunches?
What rifle or shotgun is best for self defense?
Recent changes have caused the monsters my grandparents valiantly fought against to feel safe and emboldened here. It’s sickening.
House Passes H.A.L.T Fentanyl Act, Placing certain Fent-analogues as Schedule 1
4500 year old skeleton. Teeth look fantastic!
Residents and CRNAs, what are the qualities in an attending that make you hope to be assigned with them?
Will I like CRNA if I love ICU nursing?
I just want to start IVs for party people on a Thai island. I’m a RN in the USA. How do I make it happen?
Following the recent trend
Here's my Pyxis nightmare
General Anesthesia for tattooing?!?!
The destruction caused by Israel's genocidal campaign in northern Gaza