Any fellers/ladies wanna posse up? Or just be friends and comrades in a session? PC player here.
Always check corpses pockets
Got spooked when I heard a noise while ice fishing in Bleak Inlet
Just the right vibe🔥
🔥 The aurora borealis last night outside my cabin in Venetie, Alaska
B&h next day shipping is top tier
Is there a good site for builds?
I wish this harpoon worked 🐻
What place/ part of the map do you absolutely HATE visiting?
I didn’t realize this game existed but…
Survival setup for the less fortunate(aka console players)
So this happened
What is this face in the upper left?
Am I understanding the curing box meta correctly?
Meanwhile, People who haven't read "The Frozen Angler"
Cutting holes for ice fishing
If only one more addition was made to this game, what would you want it to be?
What do you collect?
So I’m heading to my camp, and I just ran into a group of about 12 armed men who are “Revenue Agents”
We all know who the real star is~ (My Art)
the long dark in real life
Unable to connect to Rockstar game services
You step through a magic mirror into the world of RDR2. Everyone is real, and you get to come back if you die (though you lose a little money each time). What’s the first thing you do?
What is the first game you ever played on your Legion?
Couldn't help but think of Days Gone when I saw this....
Justy's Hovel rockin' the festivities even way before the holiday updates. Any others similar to it?
Any way to get potatoes/carrots later into the game?