When you get surprised…
Name brand preferences, are they inevitable?
Why are there so few Native American restaurants in the United States?
Atomic knife
kid’s teacher says Native Americans are extinct, gave her detention for saying shes Native
Meaning of the cats
How would you tell your child they’re dying of a completely preventable disease?
The talk...
Are Democrats Anti-American?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Do Americans really eat dinner at 6PM?
Would this sort of movie be allowed/socially acceptable in USA?
If you get hit by an ambulance and require hospitalization, will the ambulance fee be waived?
Should I have been upset?
Why do people still say "antisemitic" instead of just saying anti-Jewish?
Do you prefer cats or dogs, and why?
Are people supposed to have memories from ages below 8?
Conversation with my wife over masculine terminology
Hello what is Your opinion on Paris museums during your stay ?
Why will this 'kids identify as cats' thing just not die?
Do your boys sit or stand to pee at home?
At what age do American children start to play outside unsupervised?
Boomer aunt just confessed to me that she has been "sexting" Hugh Jackman
Do GenZ carry a water bottle everywhere they go?
Girl Scouts