The Falling Star - Beltless, Botless, Tankless Train-sushi base, 300 SPM. Details in comments.
Oil Processing Block (skew)
Sushi Recycler Advanced Circuit block, 2002 Red chips / min. Full startup cycle.
More non-standard belt storage designs, and a cellular storage system. BPs in comments
The pain is so real
Taste the rainbow - testing a massive belt storage design with 28 separate lanes. Can you identify all the materials?
A couple of tileable belt weaves for Promethium storage, both over 4 effective belts per tile. BPs in comments
gleba has the best music btw (but other planets still have bangers too)
tips for promethium ship design
Diagonal 97.7% Achievement Run (Expansion) - Starter Nauvis Base
Weekly Question Thread
After 300 hours I made it to the shattered planet with the USS Voyager
Hex City blocks - Pros/Cons?
infinitely tileable design with 4.8039 belts per tile
Me after force installing the gleba start mod onto your PC
My star wars ships
I'm done with that stupid ass game
Any of you made the jump to this game from another like Dwarf Fortress or Oxygen Not Included? How does the skills translate?
Truly a magical place
Bots vs belts on Gleba
I got sick of looking at rectangular storage, so I spent some time developing some alternative belt storage. Some alternative aesthetic offerings
Assembling machine is the new cargo wagon
No cost too great
Aquilo base (botless, beltless) v2, challenge level insanity: no cargo wagons, no electric inserters. I guess I import wood to Aquilo now...
Aquilo Base - botless, beltless, 700 spm