To WW, who has had better sex with AP: Did R work out for you guys?
AITAH for deciding to let my baby CIO despite my (30f) husband's (30m) protests?
Is R with an adhd spouse possible?
AITA for Letting My Adopted Niece Call Me Daddy?
WP gave a "free pass"
Getting punished for trying to be better.
AITAH for telling her she’s on her own after our dad died?
Wife Cheated with best friend. Refuses to give up emotional affair
I’m jealous of the BPs whose waywards are active in reconciliation
36yr single mom of 3 , I will probably delete this post and cry for weeks 😅
AITA for refusing to pay for my niece’s college after she publicly humiliated me?
AIO to this text my BF sent me?
AITA for moving on too quickly after my boyfriend cheated on me?
Is it ok to be ok?
I am not happy with my marriage
Tell me what ap's name was without telling me what ap's name was.. (therapeutic vent 🤞)
I (44m) hate my gf (47f) kids
GF of two years cheated on me, I forgave her, then she broke up with me. Now 2 months on she wants to get back together. Any advice?
Ask a Wayward
Do men see an exposed woman's stomach as something sexual?
He cheated on me for years and now he wants to fix things, would I be the AH if I request this from him to even try?
Visiting at Christmas
When the AP is like a version of you