Systemintegration Zukunftsaussichten
What MMO's do you play on your Steam Deck?
My girlfriend (19f) wants to break up with me (20M) because I'm going bald, what can I do to save my hair?
RuneScape is a dying husk, and even loyal players are starting realize it
For those of you who boycott jagex, which game do you pick up next?
MMORPGs are becoming a lot more profitable, and a way less fun
League has debate about D or F key for flash, What about WR? Which slot is for flash? Right or Left?
I am not dealing with Jagex/osrs and I am looking for another title for crossplay
Is it pointless to try and get into mmorpgs if one can't play monthly subscription fees?
Which mmorpg for Windows/mac/iphone and maybe Steamdeck
What now?
The idea that supports HAVE to swap picks with solo laners is incredibily stupid
Wie viel erzählt ihr auf der Arbeit von eurem Privatleben?
MMORPGs with horizontal progression?
Nichtwähler, was müsste sich ändern, damit ihr doch zur Wahl geht?
Girl on tinder told me that she’d date me if I got rid of my beard. I unmatched her 💪
Do you guys think that Albion has a good PvE experience?
Wie lösen?
Ich (eine Anfängerin) habe ohne Spotter beim Bankdrücken Hilfe gebraucht. Jetzt habe ich etwas Angst vorm nächsten Mal. Tipps dagegen?
Wenn ihr dazu gezwungen wärt euch 1 Jahr lang von nur einem Gericht zu ernähren, was wäre das?
Best mobile MMORPG PVP experience to this day?
What is your prefered second lane and why?
What makes RuneScape so good for you?
Any recommendations for an old school MMO player?
Shield of arrav possible solo?