Common Emblems Ranked
I changed up some colors
Hobo Aramusha
Lwabringer’s top heavy unblockable into execution is the cleanest move in this game for me. What is your favorite move?
Rusty Orochi
Which hero do you hate the most?
People who put good fight only when they win
Even rep 80 kenseis still dodge attack off of anything
Tiefling Monk from Bite the Bullet Studio
Ghoul Priest
This mini shows my process of learning NMM
Samurai and vikings have lots of options for fashion but people will never let their boner for all white or black and gold die
I genuinely don't get the fucking lobotomized troglodites that play this shit game
Breach teammate
I'm tired of having to defend points in breach while my teammates fight over the ram
Shugoki, Kensei, and Kyoshin
[Masc V] Streetkid
Screenshot I took on PS5
Collosseum Anti-Fun Starter Pack
Rusty armor plate testing
What Do You Think This Teaser Is?
if you could add one race to the game what would it be 2
what's this part of the sword used for?
How do I dominate captains if they have an endless army spawning around them?
Mage Zenith Idea